Feb. 1-29: Black History Month Exhibit! We are celebrating Black medical professionals La Porte County this year. Many Black doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have helped keep La Porte County healthy and changed thousands of lives.
Feb. 1-29: Black History Month Exhibit! We are celebrating Black medical professionals La Porte County this year. Many Black doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have helped keep La Porte County healthy and changed thousands of lives.
Feb. 8: Pioneer Land Spinners! On Saturday, February 8th, from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, the spinners from Pioneer Land will be spinning yarn from natural fibers at the Museum. Come learn more about how pioneers made their textiles from these knowledgeable artisans!
Feb. 14: Happy Valentines Day! Stop by the Musuem to see our huge collection of vintage valentines!